In 2012, five members of The History Club formed a First Book-Sioux Falls Advisory Board, whose sole purpose was to get books into the hands of lower income children in our community. First Book is an award-winning nonprofit organization which provides new books to children in need. Placing books in the hands of these children addresses one of the most important factors affecting literacy – access to books.
Members of the History Club worked successfully for 3 years with generous donations from corporations, local businesses and individuals to bring over 30,000 new books to more than 9,000 children attending programs working with underserved children in Sioux Falls. First Book-Sioux Falls was a proven and much appreciated success and resource for these local organizations such as the Sioux Falls Head Start Programs, Bowden Youth Center, Lutheran Social Services After School Programs, Sioux Falls Multicultural Center’s Native & Froggie Reads Programs to name only a few.
In January 2015, the National First Book Organization redirected their support away from local First Book Advisory Boards around the country to a fundraising model based on internet fundraising directed by the individual recipients served previously by local Advisory Boards.

First Book-Sioux Falls as an organization had to discontinue their endeavors under the First Book name, but the members of The History Club will continue to support literacy in the community through other means through its Education Committee. Please contact the Education Connection Committee Chair for information as to how you can help support literacy here in Sioux Falls.